
Asprinio and his quotations

Essential part of nourishment intended as a search for perfection and balance,pleasure not to be missed and cultivated with art.Nectar to be sipped in the fullness of the senses.


Sante Lancerio (1500-1550), bottler of the Pope Paolo III Farnese, great wine connoisseur:  “Asprinio comes from a place near Naples.The best wines are those of Aversa, red and white.These wines are rich wines.Summer is an healthy drink. He used to drink this wine to drive out thirst and said to do it to brown phlegm.To want to know its perfect goodnes wants to be odoriferous, golden in color and not completely raw…….if you want it for the summer you have to put it in the cellar in the spring so that the heat matures……This wine is also praised by Doctors………….(The Italian wines judged by Pope Paolo III Farnese and his bottler Sante Lancerio,  Giuseppe Ferraro, 1879, Casale Monferrato).


Paolo Monelli recommend this wine as an aperitif: “It was still full summer I used to drink this wine as an aperitif in some shady andri along the coast of Chiaia:fresh from the cave, pale, acidulous between straw and greenish. 


Mario Soldati ( Torino, 17 novembre 1906 – Tellaro  19 giugno 1999 ) – writer, screenwriter, journalist:   “I taste it now for the first time and I am amazed, there is no white in the world so absolutely dry as asprinio, no one can imagine if he doesn’t taste it……….” The great instability of the wine made its conservation in caves dug out of the tuff mandatory, deep caves of not less than 10/15 meters, method still used today by many producers in the Aversana Plain.


Luigi Veronelli ( Milano  2 febbraio 1926  –  Bergamo  29 novembre 2004 ) winemaker, chef, gastronomist: Compares asprinio to Portuguese vinhon verdes, he drank it fresh from the cave: “when I drank it I got excited, I was with a farmer near Aversa,that Asprinio was exceptionally good, well worked,fragile, elegant cheerful lively. What makes me angry is the awareness of not being able to find it again. Asprinio would be a splendid wine if valued.”

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